Friday, January 18, 2013

Life Happenings: New Job and Watercolor Class!

I'm not too big on new years resolutions, mostly because I like to set goals throughout the year, but I definitely feel refreshed knowing that I am at the start of a new year. Usually by December I am worn down, and there's something about the new year that makes me feel 'lighter' and more enthusiastic about changes and transitions. I really believe that the types of energy we send out to the universe offers so many different opportunities and interactions, and lately I've been feeling a lot less nervy and more open-minded about what's to come throughout the year. Earlier this week I got a job offer to work as a lead research assistant, which is perfect because I plan to take a year off and work before I decide to fully commit to a PhD program. I haven't done any type of research work since last Summer so it will be nice to be part of a research project again and promote academic growth in addition to personal growth.

Today I attended my first watercolor course at a local community college and I am very excited to improve my painting techniques. I have been playing with watercolors since last summer but it's all self taught. Now that I have the basics down, I want to work on technique so I can paint with more accuracy. Most of my work tends to come out more opaque, and I like it and all, but  now I want to work on more transparent watercolor. I want to work on all creative outlets and I feel like improving my technique will allow me to create a physical image of the ideas I think about.

I actually just read J.G. Bennett's essay on creativity and there is a passage where he emphasizes the importance of technique as an element of creativity. He gives us an example of an artist and technique, arguing that "without technique, the moment of creative insight can hardly be made fruitful. The same is true for the scientist. This means that one must know the form that will enable one to clothe the moment of insight in some expression." The same is also true for the writer. I have so many things on my mind but I lack the words to express that insight, which is why I am trying to read more books.
So as I go through January, I have two goals: 1) continue be more open to the opportunities I encounter and 2) take time to create and practice technique. The second goal is especially important as I begin my watercolor course and practice painting. To me practice time and creative time are two separate things--while both can occur simultaneously, I prefer to ease the pressure to perform well and schedule both at separate times.

As I end this post I think about Ralph Waldo Emerson, who reminds me that "every artist was first an amateur."

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