Good news: I am now employed! I found a wonderful nonprofit organization in the Bay Area, and I feel like it is such a great fit. I'm slowly adjusting to a full-time schedule, which is unlike the past couple of years as a student with a fairly flexible schedule.
Sort-of-OKAY-news: I have a feeling that the future blog posts here will be much shorter, of course there will be tons of photos from my trips, but much more abbreviated, I suppose. If you'd like a more current feed of my adventures, go to my instagram: @Terrariumtherapy
Anywho, here are some photos from my last trek to Glass Beach this year. Remember when I went last year? Well, last month I made it a point to return to Fort Bragg, and I spent HOURS beachcombing! It was wonderful, I tell ya! So many colors, so much history behind the broken glass and tableware that washes ashore...

Post sorting...I love those blues and greens.
My favorites of the day: broken pottery, jadeite, milk glass, blue sea glass, and even an old apothecary bottle stopper!
In addition to beautiful sea glass, I also spotted some natural beauties on our way home...
Beautiful coastal succulents I found growing along a cliff...
And some interesting fungi...
More updates to come...I'm sort of backlogged right now, but I promise, this blog is not dead.
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